Digital transformations: initial discoveries

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Christophe DESHAYES

DigitalMatters – Speaker, ‘Digital transformations’ seminar

Seminar Digital and entrepreneurial transformations | Monday January 15, 2018 - 17h30 - 19h30

After two years of enriching sessions and meetings which were sometimes out-of-the-ordinary and often exciting, an initial assessment of subjects covered by the ‘Digital transformations’ seminar series highlights the issues addressed by industrial and service companies, either large or small, in light of the demands of digitisation. Without ‘platformisation’, companies risk their survival, so what strategies have they put in place? Which leaders have helped them? How have employees been part of these processes? Even though we are still discovering this new, changing and unpredictable sector, it already seems obvious that digitisation is more than just the simple implementation of digital tools, and is part of a radically new culture of management.

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