XTU: the ‘natural’ architects

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Architect and co-founder, XTU Architects

Seminar Creation | Tuesday January 31, 2017 - 8h45 - 11h00

XTU Architects designed the Cité du Vin Museum in Bordeaux, but prior to this, they had already gained notoriety with their ‘bio-façades’. In the spaces between panes of double-glazing, micro-algae grow, offering potential energy solutions and resources whose wealth has not yet been tapped. XTU’s approach and business spirit are a mirror-image of the micro-algae which colonise the empty spaces between the glass. The agency grew by taking advantage of the ‘cracks’ - cracks in areas which were unexplored by its rivals in important international competitions, and cracks in free time which often exists in the cyclical life of young agencies – and constantly searching for new openings and areas of exploration. International cultural projects present opportunities to see the world differently; large projects may be the springboard for finding new solutions; and extremely competitive contests may prompt innovation because of meetings with specialists from outside one’s profession. XTU promotes living architecture where the mission is now to change the world.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°129 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Réconcilier les futurs.

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