The logistics of good intentions

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President, BIP Humanitaire association

Seminar Economy and meaning | Wednesday March 1, 2017 - 9h00 - 11h30

Do you want to equip a hospital in Benin? Supply a neonatal unit in the Laos countryside with modern, technical equipment? Provide clothes for tsunami victims in Sri Lanka? Give French books to the Chippewa tribe? And do all of this without any cost apart from the transport? Nothing could be simpler: all you need to do is to go and see Pierre Gillet-Legrand and his team of volunteers in Meaux. They will find the necessary equipment for you, rejected by our plentiful society (sometimes without having ever been used), and which would have been destroyed were it not for Pierre and his team. If they like your project, they will let you use all their logistics, and benefit from their enthusiasm to send you this equipment entirely revised and securely packaged. To top it all, they will be more than happy to help you! 

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°127 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le génie du lieu.

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