Reviving the shoe industry in Romans

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Christophe CHEVALIER

CEO, Archer Group

Seminar Industrial adventures | Tuesday April 19, 2016 - 17h30 - 19h30

In 2010‚ the Archer Group decided to revive the shoe industry in Romans. It bought machines and acquired the know-how by recruiting former workers. Orders started flooding in, and the Group invented a new economic model by working with other small companies to deal with the demand, using as a model the Italian industrial cluster model. They created a brand, ‘Made in Romans’‚ and new companies started appearing in Romans. The Archer Group‚ which employs five hundred people in various economic sectors, is the driving force behind the association ERB which creates synergies and organises the sharing of facilities between different companies in all sectors. The Archer Group gained institutional recognition via the creation of its status as a regional hub for economic co-operation, and now the aim is for ‘regional start-ups’ to emerge.

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This session was published in issue n°122 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Réalités illusoires et rêves réalistes.

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