Public investment to aid creative industries

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Nicolas PARPEX

Investment director, Bpifrance

Seminar Creation | Tuesday April 7, 2015 - 8h45 - 11h00

The creative industries, which include luxury goods, design, the arts, publishing, cinema, the audiovisual industry, music and the new media, are often seen as strategic sectors for France. They represent fields of excellence and contribute to increase France’s global influence, generate employment and aid the French export trade. However, their uniqueness and the weight of the risk they represent make it difficult for investors to know how to deal with them. Potentially profitable SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) have limited access to private equity funds. Bpifrance suggests overcoming this by encouraging creative companies to invest in specialised funds and providing strategic support adapted to the specific nature of their sector.  It acts like a wise investor without taking the place of private individuals but in the end these private individuals will take over from Bpifrance. Will the mistrust which traditional investors have with regards to the creative and cultural sector eventually diminish?

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