The surprising influence of the Trappes jester

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Actor, Founder, Déclic Théâtre

Seminar Creation | Tuesday March 10, 2015 - 8h45 - 11h00

‘Start by making a name for yourself!’ Having heard this refrain so many times‚ Alain Degois did not want to be dependent on bureaucracy or local tyrants any longer, and decided to make the best use of what he was good at: discovering new talent. In the process, he made a name for himself. In the world of improvisation and comedy‚ he is known as Papy‚ the person who made Jamel Debbouze‚ Sophia Aram‚ Issa Doumbia‚ Arnaud Tsamère and many others famous. Working in the private sector did not lessen the strength of his convictions. He believes that culture improves or makes life in society possible, that it is part of everyday life, and that ‘brigades of cultural investigation’ can help solve difficulties which occur in some urban areas. In Trappes‚ his work with young people over a period of thirty years was the forerunner of these ‘brigades’ and demonstrated how they could be of assistance. He realised that making people smile was the beginning of potential progress.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°115 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Dans le fond de l'usine.

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