Hermès: a creative machine

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Patrick THOMAS

Former CEO, Hermès International

Seminar Creation | Wednesday November 12, 2014 - 8h45 - 11h00

When Patrick Thomas took over the management of Hermès having made a career in mass retail, he knew that he had to adapt himself and change his ‘intellectual compass’ by a few degrees. Whereas the majority of companies work according to a marketing strategy, Hermès prefers to use a practice which it calls ‘offering’. The primary driving force behind these sorts of luxury goods companies, only a handful of which exist, is to surprise their clients. This is achieved with a specific strategy where the creation is the focus of attention and the object outshines the brand. Such a philosophy implies that the organisation has to be transformed, that one must not try to interfere with the creation, and that an atmosphere of joy is established and a vision conveyed based around three cornerstones: exceptional craftsmanship, creation and style. This approach has resulted in ten years of outstanding success.  

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°112 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Visions du futur.

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