Revamping adult vocational training

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Executive chairman, Afpa (French national association for adult vocational training),

Seminar Economy and meaning | Wednesday April 2, 2014 - 9h - 11h30

In 1946‚ ANIFRMO (Afpa’s predecessor) was created to satisfy the needs of post-war France and to train adults in the building trade and the metal industry quickly. In 1966‚ having changed its name to Afpa‚ its status as an association enabled it to receive State subsidies. By 1998‚ it was the most important vocational training organisation in Europe. However‚ political and institutional changes jeopardised the association. It had to compete with the Greta establishments (State-run adult education groups) and private companies for public calls for tender, and this was sometimes detrimental. When the French government made the decision to decentralise adult education‚ the regional authorities took control of vocational training programmes, and this forced Afpa to decentralise its regional branches accordingly, but in a rather disorderly way. Because Afpa does not have any equity‚ it has cash flow problems and occasionally there are periods of panic while attempting to find the necessary capital and thereby avoid the bankruptcy of an organisation employing nine thousand people. Yves Barou was appointed in 2012 to rescue the institution but he faces some serious challenges.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°110 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'esprit de coopération.

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