The CENTQUATRE-PARIS : raising the question about cultural policy

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Seminar Creation | Tuesday September 10, 2013 - 8h45 - 11h

A cultural centre ? An institutional wasteland ? Even though the site incites a growing amount of interest from large French institutions as well as foreign newspapers, nobody quite knows how to describe it. The establishment, installed by the city of Paris on the site of a former municipal funeral home, is coming to life. It has become popular with the public and the local residents have made it their own. In a very discreet way, the CENTQUATRE-PARIS has become one of the most visited French cultural institutions. And yet, after its inauguration in 2008, interest dwindled. A concept which becomes reality in architecture is not necessarily the foundation for success. Because of this, José-Manuel Gonçalvès adopted a different approach, based on uncertainty, constant questioning and testing which is transparent in the observations of employees after daily meetings. What is taking place at CENTQUATRE-PARIS is perhaps the shape of cultural and political centres to come.

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