The strategic clairvoyance of Moret Industries

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CEO, Moret Industries

Seminar Industrial adventures | Tuesday September 17, 2013 - 17h30 - 19h30

In 1868‚ Moret was a small industrial pump maker in Saint-Quentin‚ supplying sugar beet factories. Five generations later‚ Moret employs 1,600 people and has a turnover of 320 million Euros, 75 % of which is generated by the export market. It is ten times smaller than its main rivals and occupies a secure position thanks to its niche strategy where its capacity for innovation and its quality work wonders. The group’s growth took off in 2000 when it merged with a Belgian company. Then, in 2009, Unigrains took 7 % of the shares in this family-owned holding company and thereby eased Moret’s international transition. To achieve this, one must help adjust the staff, who are used to working in a SME, to a more structured company without demotivating them, and at the same time‚ one must attract and retain high-quality people in the overseas factories. The group has just been awarded the prize for ‘Innovation and industrial strategy’. It is clear to see why.

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This session was published in issue n°106 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled Le défi français.

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