The creative strength of a group : Architecture-studio's unique strategy

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Associate, AS Architecture-Studio

Roueïda AYACHE

Associate, AS Architecture-Studio

Seminar Creation | Tuesday June 11, 2013 - 8h45 - 11h

The concept of the group is key to how the Architecture-Studio agency operates. Its creative method comes from inputs given to each project by all the agency’s associates in the form of constant brain-storming and playing off each other’s ideas. The way the agency functions is based on complete equality for the associates, both in terms of their salaries, their responsibilities and their freedom of speech. Adherence to the concept of the group is strengthened by the agency’s conviction that efforts should be made so that the group is constantly supported and maintained. Architecture-Studio has been in existence for forty years, has twelve associates spanning all ages, and owns two sites in China. The associates claim that the way the agency works is not at all related to optimisation and profit, but participation in a shared ideal which enables teams to enjoy themselves more and is undoubtedly the concept behind new forms of organisation which will emerge in the future.

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