Seminar Business life
Friday February 15, 2013
- 9h30 - 12h
In European airspace in one day and at any one time, there are one hundred thousand flights and as many as four thousand five hundred aeroplanes. To make matters more difficult, all of these flights are competing for permission to land or take off at the same time, in the same place ! How can this possibly exist in a context where one must ensure the safety and profitability of those involved, and in a system which is close to saturation ? Airbus decided to boldly solve this problem by creating a subsidiary, Airbus ProSky, which brought together a group of experts who have implemented a radical paradigm shift in air traffic management. It was a daring move, but the European aircraft manufacturer has outstanding assets and has been able to take a decisive lead over the traditional players in the sector and its competitors.
The entire article was written by:
This session was published in issue n°102 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled
L'ordre et le chaos.
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