Podcast : MOOCs (Massive Open On-Line Courses): …But what next?UT WHAT NEXT?

Philippe DURANCE

Associate professor, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (Cnam)


CEO, Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération (FING),

Dominique BOULLIER

Professor and scientific co-ordinator, Médialab Sciences Po, Paris,

Seminar Guest speakers | Monday January 27, 2014 - 19h - 21h15

Are MOOCs going to turn the world of teaching and its traditional methods upside down? Do they represent the educational revolution which some people predicted, or are they the latest trendy product of distance-learning practices which have existed for a long time but are now just being brought back with a modern twist? Should we be wary of how formatted and standardised knowledge can be treated like a commodity and become a new source of revenue for a few global operators, or should we be happy to finally see that the emerging culture of today’s students - who tend to be more Internet surfers than bookworms - is being taken into account? Like any emerging technology, MOOCs will prove to be either a dream come true or our worst nightmare, depending on how we choose to handle them. In the meantime, we really need to talk about them.


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0:00 - 03:43


Exposé de Philippe Durance

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0:00 - 17:32


Exposé de Dominique Boullier

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0:00 - 22:44


Exposé de Daniel Kaplan

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0:00 - 14:46


Première partie du débat

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0:00 - 27:44


Deuxième partie du débat

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0:00 - 31:51


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