Participants' charter

The sessions at the École de Paris du management are unique opportunities to explore managerial practices in all their uniqueness. Management is essential everywhere, in all types of fields and organisations, and is at the heart of amazing and inspiring human adventures.

Whatever your age, profession or sector of activity, anyone can take part in a session at the École de Paris. By signing up, everyone agrees to take on the role of participant, based on three values: time, presence and listening.

Taking the time

No more than 1 hour of presentation, no less than 1 hour of debate.

The balance of time between presentation of the subject and questions from the participants provides a framework conducive to quality discussion. The punctuality of participants is essential to maintain this balance. This is why the room is opened at least 15 minutes early and participants are invited to stay until the end of the debate.

Being present

A small audience to encourage in-depth discussion.

The small size of the audience and the careful distribution of the floor by the moderators mean that all participants can ask questions if they wish. This intimate setting also allows the speaker to confide in them and speak in all sincerity, even if some of their words are not transcribed in the minutes. The balance of the audience depends on the presence of the participants in the room.

Listening attentively

A calm debate is a fruitful debate.

Listening attentively is a key value: it is a sign of respect for the speaker and enables relevant questions to be formulated. The serenity of a debate, and therefore its value, depends on this listening. Participants are asked to put their mobile phones and computers on mute.

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