Green hydrogen for OCP: a strategic boon


Head of Green Hydrogen & Ammonia, OCP Group

Seminar Business life | Thursday October 19, 2023 - 16h00 - 18h00 (heure de Paris)

Developing a new activity that is totally unrelated to the company's traditional businesses is a diversification operation that specialists see as strategically risky. However, the Moroccan group OCP, the world's leading importer of ammonia, has convinced itself that developing green hydrogen is in fact a reasonable gamble. This gamble is entirely consistent with its new strategic positioning, its existing assets and its strong commitments to achieving carbon neutrality in all three scopes by 2040. The potential of Morocco's solar and wind energy mix is among the best in the world, the surface areas of OCP's industrial sites to be rehabilitated are considerable, the provisions to be made to strand carbon-intensive production assets are non-existent, and its proximity to Europe ensures potential outlets in the long term. Finally, the energy transition of an industry, even an energy-intensive one, can sometimes turn into an unexpected strategic opportunity.

The energy and ecological transition , The Phénix

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This session was published in issue n°166 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled La place de la science.

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