Séminaire Economy and meaning | jeudi 5 décembre 2024 - 9h00 - 11h00
Concerned about the flood of phones and computers being produced in excess, which is harmful to the planet, four friends founded Commown with the aim of renting out eco-designed, more repairable and more ethical devices. They set up their French company in the form of a société coopérative d’intérêt collectif (cooperative society of collective interest), to bring together producers, customers and employees of the cooperative. For about twenty euros a month, users can take out a one-year subscription to an appliance, including maintenance and cover for breakages and theft. Over the years, the price is reduced to encourage customers to keep the same device for longer. As demand grows rapidly, finding the funding to support such a project is crucial, a challenge that Commown and its founders are successfully meeting.
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