Quebec's Chief Innovator and Director General of the Quebec Innovation Council, he is also founding Chairman of the Board of Axelys, Quebec's public research development company. An engineer by training and holder of an MBA from Harvard University, he has been a technological and social entrepreneur in the healthcare sector, has held senior positions in various organisations around the world and has always been committed to numerous social causes. He is renowned for his creative approach to innovation and his desire to contribute to Quebec's future prosperity. On a day-to-day basis, he pursues his mission of mobilising existing ecosystems, with a particular focus on young people, whom he sees as dynamic and visionary. His aim is to encourage everyone involved in innovation to excel and become an agent of change, so that Quebec can innovate more and better.

A participé à la séance suivante

La révolution de l'innovation pour l'avenir des nations

April 25, 2024 | Seminar Management of Innovation | Session report

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