'Give me some ideas to change this financial group into a real team !'

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Kingfisher Group

Seminar Business life | Friday May 16, 2014 - 9h30 - 12h00

The CEO of the Kingfisher Group is an unflappable British financier. The company is the third largest in the world in its field, and has over one thousand stores worldwide. It employs eighty thousand people who, like its customers, have a wide range of cultures and languages. As a result, it is hard to identify a common culture or ‘One Team’, and to ignore specific characteristics. However, this CEO is also a man who is convinced that the social responsibility of a company is not empty words but by creating ties between employees, one can help to improve both individual lives and group performances. When the CEO met Benedikt Benenati, they instantly hit it off. They have now been working together for four years, and are united in their unwavering confidence and common objectives. Their collaboration has not been without its problems, but has progressed with the talent and foresight characteristic of this tireless opponent of stereotypical managerial practices.

The entire article was written by:


This session was published in issue n°110 of the Journal de l'École de Paris du management, entitled L'esprit de coopération.

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