Nathanaël MOLLE

In 2007, he was the administrative assistant to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Brasilia; in 2008, he was an assistant at the French Embassy in Bolivia; in 2009, he was communications assistant at the ILERI (Institut d’étude des relations internationales) in Paris; in 2010, he was communications assistant and advocate at the Paris office of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation; in 2011, he was legal assistant for refugees at the Moroccan Organisation of Human Rights (Organisation marocaine des droits humains); in 2012 he was an assistant in the international office of the Institute of Intercultural Management and Communication. He has been the co-founder and managing director of the SINGA association (France) since 2012.

A participé à la séance suivante

Strengthening society with refugees

June 1, 2016 | Seminar Economy and meaning | Session report

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